Interstate Traveler Company
 Building the WorldWide Hydrogen Super Highway...
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Bibliographic Reference Library

li·brar·y  (lbrr)                 source:
n. pl. li·brar·ies
a. A place in which literary and artistic materials, such as books, periodicals, newspapers, pamphlets, prints, records, and tapes, are kept for reading, reference, or lending.
b. A collection of such materials, especially when systematically arranged.
c. A room in a private home for such a collection.
d. An institution or foundation maintaining such a collection.
2. A commercial establishment that lends books for a fee.
3. A series or set of books issued by a publisher.
4. A collection of recorded data or tapes arranged for ease of use.
5. A set of things similar to a library in appearance, function, or organization: a library of computer programs.
6. Genetics A collection of cloned DNA sequences whose location and identity can be established by mapping the genome of a particular organism.
[Middle English librarie, from Anglo-Norman, from Latin librrium, bookcase, from neuter of librrius, of books, from liber, libr-, book.]

Dear Visitor,

   Here you will find links to documents that have been published on the Internet and links to Internet sites appertaining to the Research and Development of the Interstate Traveler Project.  This list of documents constitutes but a small portion of the underlying research that has established the foundation of our success.

   I have always had a passion for books...  they are encapsulated intelligence that teach all manner of things, and tell dramas and historical accounts of all that we know or have experienced in the present day and in all of recorded history.  This reminds us that the distinct human trait of writing IS precious without measure.

   Here you will find a select few documents, and links to documents, that help tell the story of the current state and condition of public infrastructure world wide, along with scientific references that explain the basis of the technology employed by the Interstate Traveler Company.  Just like everything else in this world; the contents of this document are subject to change.

   My greatest respect to the Authors of all the documents referenced on this page can not be more loudly spoken if not screamed from a mountain top; for the study of history has taught me the true meaning of the saying: "We stand on the shoulders of giants". 

   Quite certainly, this library is not meant to contain a general library of physics, mathematics, geometry, electronics, chemistry or magnetism or books about the great men and women who built the human library of basic science; but it is meant to be a tribute to those who study and try to improve the function of modern society: modern giants facing a modern problems.

   As the founder of this great company, I owe my allegiance to many great people who have helped me build this company from a two page list of bullet points in 1995, to a world leader today.  I dedicate this Library to everyone who has helped me in this process and to all those who seek knowledge and truth. And may everyone who reads this remember that I owe everything to my dear parents and family who have raised me from conception.  Being the youngest of four, I will always cherish the example set by my parents and older sibs...  for they are the first Giants in ever knew...  :)


   Justin Eric Sutton


Scientific Giants in History -

A compilation of 140 of the best and brightest in recorded history listed in chronologic order by birth year.


List of Documents analyzed during the Interstate Traveler R&D phase:

  1. AATA Destination2010.pdf
  2. AdvancedPowerTransimissionoftheFuture-MarioRabinowitz.pdf
  3. Aircraft Evacuation Testing 1993.pdf
  4. Airport Expansion 2020.pdf
  5. Airport and Air Traffic Control System 1982.pdf
  6. Assessment for Mass Transit Chicago 1976.pdf
  7. Assessment for Mass Transit Denver Case Study 1976.pdf
  8. Assessment for Mass Transit Los Angeles Case Study 1976.pdf
  9. Assessment for Mass Transit Minneapolis-St Paul 1976.pdf
  10. Assessment for Mass Transit Seattle Case Study 1976.pdf
  11. Assessment for Mass Transit Washington DC 1976.pdf
  12. Automated Guidway Transit 1975.pdf
  13. Automatic Train Control in Rail Rapid Transit 1976.pdf
  14. Biological Effects of Power Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields 1989.pdf
  15. CaliforniaLinearMotorsManual.pdf
  16. ChicagoSchoolElectric-jpg.pdf
  17. ColoradoHeritageReportBestPracticesinIntergovernmentalAgreements.pdf
  18. Coloradomaglevfinalreport.pdf
  19. ConnecticutStateUniversityEnergyAssessment.pdf
  20. EarthDynamo.pdf
  21. Dynamic Fuel Cell Performance Final Jan 2004 U of M Rochester MN.pdf
  22. EERE Controlled hydgrogen Infrastucture.pdf
  23. ElectricalEngineeringDefinitions.pdf
  24. Energy the Economy and Mass Transit 1975.pdf
  25. EPA Great Lakes Strategy 2002.pdf
  26. Federal Research and Technology for Aviation 1994.pdf
  27. G093010-ITCLLC-All-Letters.pdf
  28. HighTemperatureSuperconducters.pdf
  29. hydrogen_president of Iceland interview.ram
  30. Iceland Hydrogen Story-ABC News
  31. IDEA_announcement.pdf
  32. Impact of Advanced Group Rapid Transit Technology 1980.pdf
  33. itc_broch040727e.pdf
  34. ITC PressRelease 12-10-02.pdf
  35. INV-3500Inverter.pdf
  36. INV-BeaconPowerInverter.pdf
  37. JPL Lithographic Magnets.pdf
  38. MDOT Transit Strategic Plan 2000-2020.pdf
  39. MDOT Letter to Ferndale.pdf
  40. MEDC-NEconf11-14-2002.pdf
  41. MI Supreme Court on Right of Way 23393.pdf
  42. Moving Ahead 1991 Surface Transportation Legislation.pdf
  43. NIAC.pdf
  44. National Energy flow diagram_1999.pdf
  45. Nevada Transport Report 1996.pdf
  46. New Ways Tiltrotor and Maglev 1991.pdf
  47. New York Electronic Credentialing 2002.pdf
  48. NewYorkTransitFutureCapitalNeedsAssessement.pdf
  49. Oaklahoma BTS Report 2002.pdf
  50. OID Definition Paper from Internet2.pdf
  51. Omnibus Bill 108th Congress 1st Session.pdf
  52. OvonicCore_Inventions.pdf
  53. Presidential Executive Order No 13274.pdf
  54. Q3000_PhilipDenne_TheMotherOfInvention.pdf
  55. Q3000_PhilipDenne_ThePemRam.pdf
  56. Rainbow-3D-Camera_flyer21.PDF
  57. Review of the FAA 1982 National Airspace System Plan.pdf
  58. Rocky Mountian Institute 20 hydrogen myths.pdf
  59. Safer Skies with TCAS Collision Avoidance System 1989.pdf
  60. SANDIA National Labs SERAPHIM Linear Motor.pdf
  61. SEMCOG Draft 2030 long range plan.pdf
  62. Shute.pdf
  63. Sustainable Africa.pdf
  64. Texas_A&M_Urban_mobility_report_2004.pdf
  65. TOKOMAK PDD2-1.pdf
  66. Transportation_in_the_United_States.pdf
  67. Transportation of Liquified Natural Gas.pdf
  68. Ultracapacitor.pdf
  69. Ultracapacitor-2.pdf
  70. US Passenger Rail Technologies 1983.pdf
  71. USDOE Hydrogen Fuel of the Future.pdf
  72. USDOT oldPlan.pdf
  73. USDOTFRA_Report to the Nation.pdf
  74. USDOT-StratPlan-Draft.pdf
  75. Utility Rates.pdf
  76. Vision 2050.pdf
  77. WMSRDCJuneJuly2002NewsLetter.pdf
  78. World Railroad CIA Asset Report.doc
  79. UNESCO World Water Development Report 2006


  1. Total Number of Highways in the United States
  2. Bureau of Transportation Statistics
  3. CIA World Fact Book on World Wide Railroad Usage by Country
  4. Total number of Highway Miles per State
  5. Bellona Hydrogen Report


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Last modified: 10/06/08