Interstate Traveler Company

Building the World Wide Hydrogen Super Highway...



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The Interstate Traveler Company's Hydroponic Highway Integration

Making our Highways Bloom with Abundance

Certainly their can be no greater concern for the future of our advanced civilization and great growing numbers in the global population other than the concern for food and water.  We can all accept the fact that not all of our future generations can remain living on the family farm.  Over the next 100 years, our cities will grow exponentially as the existing 6 Billion people on Earth becomes 9 Billion or more.   There is no greater concern for tomorrow than the suffering of millions of people TODAY.   According to UN and other publications in 2007 there were estimated more than 800,000 souls in the greater Sudanese region of Africa that have been chased from their homes by famine and drought or war lords competing for dwindling resources.  Lake Chad in Northern Central Africa is shared by five countries and it has very nearly dried up leaving millions of people who are now hanging in the balance for subsistence or starvation:  Food and Water. 

The Hydroponic Traveler can harness the sun's rays to process ocean brine and isolate the mineral content of the ocean brine to construct specialized solutions of water for Hydroponic assisted agricultural growth within Highway rights of way or otherwise along other rights of way were the Interstate Traveler Hydrogen Super Highway may be installed.

The full extension of this concept can be seen in the Grand Arbor System combined with the Space Shield, the Mississippi Highlands Project to help counteract the effects of global warming.

The Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations and the Free World will be served well by this system which will collect water and waste and process that waste to make fortified fertilizers to build soils and literally collect light from the Sun and shine it down on growing plants half a world away to bear fruit for the hungry masses.  If not just to enable a surplus to buffer our needs when natural disasters destroy our crops.

Carbon Offset

Hydrocarbons such as gasoline form a bond of 8 carbons to every 18 atoms of hydrogen, or C8H18. When the hydrocarbon is oxidized, the hydrogen is burned away to create H2O and CO2

So for every C8H18 that is oxidized there are created 8 CO2 and 9 H2O molecules.

The molecular weight of carbon is 6
The molecular weight of hydrogen is 1
The molecular weight of Oxygen is 8

So a single C8H18 is (8*6)+(1*18)= 66mw molecular weight
So a single CO2 is (6)+(8*2)= 22mw molecular weight.
So a single H2O is (1*2)+(8) = 10mw molecular weight

When a single C8H18 is oxidized it will produce 8 * 22mw = 176mw in CO2.
When a single C8H18 is oxidized it will produce 9 * 10mw = 90mw in H2O

Thus the factor of mass per unit of gasoline to mass per unit of carbon dioxide produced at oxidation is about 2.68.

This is why a gallon of gasoline that weighs 7.5 lbs can produce 18.6 lbs worth of CO2

Finally, the same oxidation cycle therefore consumes 16 atomic units of O for the CO2 and 9 atomic units of O for each H2O which is 25au * 8mw for a total of 200mws in Oxygen which is a factor of 3.03.  Therefore, for each 7.5 lbs of gasoline oxidized, 22.72 lbs of Oxygen are consumed from the atmosphere.

Carbon Sequestration

The following mathematical relationships are widely accepted by Government and Academic authorities:

Environment CO2 Absorbed Oxygen Emitted Tons/acre/year Water Consumed
Grass Lands .5   Tons/acre/year  
Mixed Agriculture 2.5 .75 Tons/acre/year  
Forested 6 4 Tons/acre/year  

Hydroponic Highway Carbon Sequestration / Mile

Mixed Agriculture Sequestration = 24.25 Tons per Mile per Year

Considering a garden of mixed agriculture 80 feet wide per lineal mile of rail we can consider a total square foot of 422,400 sq-ft/mile, or 9.7 acres / mile.  Therefore a typical mile of mixed agriculture Hydroponic Highway could absorb (9.7*2.5=24.25) tons of carbon per year.  A system of 1,000 miles will therefore sequester 24,250 tons of carbon per year.  Since a typical automobile will emit about 3 tons of carbon per year there is an offset of 8,083 automobiles for every 1,000 miles or about 8 automobiles per mile.  

This offset should also account for the increased capacity of the highway by as much as 300 Passengers per mile using the right of way that is carbon free.  If each of the 300 Passengers represented as many as 200 automobiles we can consider an additional carbon offset of 600 tons /mile/ year

These figures extrapolated to the Eisenhower Interstate Network of 54,000 miles we see a total potential of  @ 24.25 tons/mile/year = 1,309,500 Tons/Year.  The addition of 600 tons / mile / year is 32,400,000 tons/ year avoided added to the 1.3 million tons agricultural sequestration for a grand total of 33,709,500 tons / year.

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Lake Chad Links   28th July, 2000

World Water Relief Links

Image Source:  National Geographic


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Last modified: 05/07/13